Building Brighter Futures, Together.

In the world of nonprofits, success is often the result of collaboration, dedication, and a shared vision. As we enter the end-of-year season, our organization is reflecting on the incredible partners who have stood by us, believed in our mission, and supported us this past year. Let’s take a look at our invaluable partners and give thanks for their dedication, support, and kindness.

MICO Care Centre 

From our very beginning, MICO Care Centre has been a huge supporter of our mission and programs, including our very first Sponsored Therapist trip to Jamaica in 2022. MICO has always provided us with connections to local resources and children/families that are in need of Occupational Therapy services. THANK YOU MICO Care Centre for making futures brighter for kids with special needs in Jamaica!

ECHO Autism 

One of our newer partnerships is with ECHO Autism. ECHO Autism is an organization with a mission to democratize expertise and disseminate best practices to mentor and guide communities of clinicians, educators and advocates, creating local expertise and increasing access for people with autism and their families. Both ECHO Autism and Smile A While are aligned in our vision for a world where people with all abilities are able to live their best lives when given the support they need. With the guidance of ECHO Autism, Smile A While is very excited to be opening ECHO Autism Jamaica in early 2024! ECHO Autism Jamaica will be focused on providing prompt and accurate identification of autism in Jamaican children, which will then allow professionals to connect families with resources and services available, and remove barriers to access – all to ensure the best possible outcomes for children and their families. THANK YOU ECHO Autism for sharing expertise, resources, and for being such an innovative partner!

American Friends of Jamaica Inc.

We are deeply grateful for partners who not only champion our cause, but also provide financial support. For a startup nonprofit, finding funding can unfortunately be very restricting to pursue the programs you envision for impactful change. American Friends of Jamaica Inc. have been instrumental in financially supporting our organization’s mission and programming. THANK YOU American Friends of Jamaica Inc. for supporting our organization’s mission to provide therapy services to neurodiverse children in areas where access to such support is not widely available.

Friends of Jamaica 

In April 2023, our first Splinting Clinic took place in Jamaica with four therapists to improve services for special needs youth. Our first stop was to provide a 4-hour workshop to 15 Jamaican medical professionals on how to create custom splints for special needs youth. In total, these 15 therapists serve about 30 youth each for a total of 450 special needs kids reached! Friends of Jamaica sponsored our Splinting Clinic and allowed us to host such an impactful week. THANK YOU Friend of Jamaica for your support!!

A Bright Future Ahead

As we express our gratitude today, we also look forward to a future of continued collaboration and shared success. Your dedication, generosity, and unwavering support are the cornerstones of our success. Together, we are making a lasting impact on the lives of special needs children in the Caribbean, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for our continued partnership. Thank you for being an essential part of our Smile A While Foundation family!

If your company, group, or organization is interested in partnering with Smile A While Foundation to bring therapy services to neurodiverse children in areas where access to such support is not widely available, we would love to hear from you! Send us a message and we will be in touch!