Inspiration + Ideas
Self Determination: Boost Your Child’s Success With Simple Choices
Self determination can be easy to incorporate for a child of any ability. Read this article for more info on what self determination is and how you can start providing it to your child. The ability to make a choice can act as a life-changing catalyst for children’s development. Studies show the more children…
Read MoreHelping Your Child Grasp the Possibilities in Front of Them
As babies develop and learn how to move their bodies, big muscles develop first and allow little ones to begin moving and cruising. Tiny muscles, such as those in the hands, take longer to develop and can be harder to attach to milestones for parents. Grasp patterns are the coordinated movements the hand uses…
Read MoreTherapeutic Benefits to Sensory Play
Sensory play offers the perfect setting for kids to explore and learn through play. Sensory play focuses on activities that engage your child’s senses, helping them develop language skills and motor skills. It also helps with cognitive growth, fosters social interactions and encourages experimentation. Sensory play helps the brain develop nerve connections and encourages growth…
Read MoreDIY Sensory Play: 5 Great Ideas for Homemade, Hands-on Play
During sensory play children use their senses to incorporate smell, touch, sound, vision, and movement. Play that has a multisensory experience is known to have a positive correlation with brain development in children. Bonus, since these are DIY activities they can each be customized to meet the preferences of your child. Starting at birth, children…
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