Custom Splints Offer Individual Care to Jamaican Kids in 2023

Have you heard? We’re launching a splinting clinic!

Every special needs child in the Caribbean should lead a fulfilling life. Our mission is to provide therapy services to disabled children in areas where access to such support is not widely available. 

We are excited to be partnering with Elaine Allen-Bradley who is currently managing a splinting clinic in Jamaica. We are excited that Elanie is willing to partner with us in hopes that we can work together to run the clinic and grow it alongside existing sponsors and partners. Elaine has given us permission to bring our first cohort of sponsors along for our April splinting clinic! 

What’s a splinting clinic?

At our splinting clinic, children will be fitted for custom splints to support individual needs. Custom splinting is essential in providing protection and support that meets individual needs for optimal quality of life. Custom splinting or bracing can provide additional comfort and mobility that will not exist from hand-me-down products, which is a huge reason we are excited to be able to bring this to kids in Jamaica. 

Hear more from Joanne about why she is passionate about this program, and why this help is desperately needed in Jamaica.

Why a splinting clinic?

We know that therapeutic intervention for special needs children drastically improves their quality of life, yet many children around the world receive only sporadic support, if any. Consistent access to trained professionals is key and our programs provide training and additional hands on deck to make this happen.

The custom splints and bracing will support and fit each child in a way that provides range of motion and enhanced movements while decreasing pain and discomfort. All splints and bracing will be provided at no costs to children and their families.

Our clinic will also provide education and training to island professionals on how to prepare custom splints, so that they may continue to use our supplies and provide this service during times that volunteers, fellows or sponsored therapists are not available.


Where will the splinting clinic be?

Our splinting clinic will be located in Negril, Jamaica. The clinic is currently being ran by Elaine and her team and Smile A While Foundation is looking forward to working alongside Elaine and her team to expand the offerings of the splinting clinic.

“Splints help children with physical disabilities in regard to stretching the muscles, keeping the limb in a functional position, and providing sensory input. All of these supports that a splint will provide translates to helping a child to be able to participate in childhood occupations, like playing and learning.”

– Joanne Oates, Founder of Smile A While Foundation


Interested in being involved with our splinting clinic?

  1. Sponsor a flight! We are sending our first cohort of therapists in April 2023, but we need your help! We have funding for stipends to cover therapist stipends and related costs, but we are missing one piece: funding to get our therapists to the island!
  2. Join our email list
  3. Become a monthly donor to support the ongoing education and training to island professionals and to ensure we are able to continue providing custom splints at no cost to families → 
  4. Follow us on social media! 
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