The Importance of Supportive Standing for Children with Mobility Disabilities

Thank you to Rifton for Giving the Gift of Supportive Standing to Smile A While Foundation

What is Supportive Standing?

For individuals with a physical disability, the ability to stand may not be possible without an assistive device. Supported-standing is defined as using a device to maintain an aligned, upright, weight-bearing position. These assistive devices are known as standers, and there are many styles including: upright; prone (support in front of the person); supine (support from behind the person); sit-to-stand; or mobile (self-propelled by the user).

Like other mobility devices such as a wheelchair or walker, standers help the individuals move more independently and confidently while providing a number of other benefits to the users, especially when used at an early age.

Health Benefits of Standing:

The health benefits of supporting standing for children with disabilities have been widely recognized for years. Benefits are not only physical, but also help socially and emotionally for children. Here are some of the most pronounced benefits of using standards in early years:

  • Improved bone mineral density for prevention of fractures
  • Reduced stiff muscles by stretching and improving range of motion
  • Improve posture
  • Improved hip joint health and hip stability, by encouraging abduction of legs weight-bearing activity
  • Improved engagement with family and classmates by allowing for eye level play and contact with peers
  • Improved overall quality of life as the user is able to engage and participate in daily activities in a more inclusive way

Thank you to Rifton

Smile A While was recently gifted the newest model of The Stander by Rifton! Thank you Rifton for this life-changing gift to our kids!

The Rifton Stander is truly multi-position stander that can switch easily between prone and supine that provides flexibility and options for our kids to meet the world in an upright position, and participate in daily activities at eye level alongside peers.

We are currently working with MICO Centre to have The Stander shipped to Jamaica to give kids the opportunity to stand with their peers.


Support therapy for kids with special needs in the Caribbean

We are very excited to see The Stander in action at the MICO Centre at our next Sponsored Therapist cohort that will be taking place 2024. Help us send licensed occupational therapists to Jamaica to provide therapy to special needs children and help educate local therapist with techniques and resources they may not have access to otherwise.

Support our next Sponsored Therapist cohort